Visit from Auntie Becca

After scrubbing up, Rebecca and Piper spend a little quality time together.  Today was a little gloomy outside but nothing but sunshine and smiles inside.  Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad and Aunt Becca all had their time with Piper.  Taking breaks only for meals (Piper included) to come back for quality time.

Piper’s doctor appointment today went well, she put on 2oz since yesterday and is just about at 95% of her birth weight.  The doctor is happy with progress so far and wants us to make sure it continues. Basically, just have to feed her more so she puts the weight back on.

We’ve also rearranged the Photo Albums and added a new ‘Piper Albums’ section to the site .  So we started with Week 1 which has some extra shots in there that we didn’t put on the Blog pages.  Have fun and thank you all for the great comments!

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