Home from the hospital

As scheduled, Jen and Piper were released today from the hospital.  Home now and doing great.  Playing alot of catchup at the moment in keeping Piper content while finishing the baby preparations.  Since she came 3 weeks early we’re just having to make the most of every moment.  Here is a photo of Jen, Piper and Dr. Jick from this morning before going home:

Thanks to everyone for such wonderful comments and support.  We’ll be adding more photos, just have to be brief at the moment.  Take Care!

5 thoughts on “Home from the hospital

  1. Good morning, all, and welcome home, little family!
    Everyone looks wonderful! Can’t wait to see you!
    We’ll talk soon!
    Love and blessings+
    Grandma and Grandpa Deelo

  2. Oh my goodness! What a precious little bundle. Jen, you look fabulous and Piper is just adorable and all that dark hair just like Mommy had.Enjoy this time together. Can’t wait to see more photos.
    Love ya lots.

  3. Hey Jennie & Dave,

    What a beautiful baby girl you have created!!!!  How lucky she is to have you as her parents and also such wonderful grandparents.   Congratulations to all of you and just enjoy this very special time….it goes by much to fast.

    Love ya,

  4. Congratulations Dave, Jen and Piper…….We are so happy for all of you!  what a beautiful family you are!

    God Bless You and Keep You!
    Aunt Helen, Uncle randy, Travis, Courtney and Connor

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