1st Night with our little girl

First off, the stats:

                        Piper Grace Deelo


                                19.5in long

    born at 5:05pm (yesterday) September 24th, 2007

After a fantastic delivery and great 1st night with Piper Grace, I’m now home going through the ‘To Do’ list Jen had created for her 3 weeks off before the baby.  We were able to do what’s called ‘rooming in’ with her where she stays with us the entire time without going to the nursery.  So far it’s be amazing, she got up to eat twice last night with a few quick diaper changes then right back to sleep.  Wow, the fantastic noises babies make they sleep!  It was really hard for us to sleep, we kept getting up and staring.  The hospital staff is absolutely amazing and have been the shining star in this whole experience. They even gave us a double room and let me stay in the extra bed.

Jen had her IV removed last night around 3am, ending that which she called “the worst part of the labor!” (she doesn’t care for needles). She’s now fully mobile without things attached. Not feeling 100% yet but doing extremely well. Here’s a photo of the room just after breakfast, Jen’s writing up my list of Honey Do’s:

8 thoughts on “1st Night with our little girl

  1. Thanks for the updated pics and narratives!! Love them!!

    That’s 1 night down and 7,475 to go! (That’s 21 years in human time.)

    Love and blessings+
    Grandma and Grandpa Deelo

  2. Dave and Jen
    Congratulations.  Piper is so beautiful!!  And so lucky to have you both for parents.  You have truly been blessed.  Can’t wait to see and hear more.  Randy and I are definitely going to plan a trip out west so I can get my hands on that cutie.  I just could not be more excited and happier for all three of  you.  By the way – life as you knew as just drastically changed.  All for the better!
    Aunt Sandy

  3. Congratulations… What a beautiful baby girl… not a blemish on her gorgeous face… and those perfectly formed heart shaped lips…Good genes you two!!! David , the blog reads like you are hovering above ground… floating in air… i am so happy for you both…  " He has achieved success who has worked well, laughed often and LOVED much." Get ready for a lot more loving you two!!!!   Peace, Uncle Willyray

  4. Congratulations Jen and Dave!!  How exciting!  I couldn’t believe it when my mom called the other night, but I guess Piper had her own plans!  Hope you guys are having fun!!!  🙂

  5. Jen and Dave,
    Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl!  Looks like Piper couldn’t wait any longer to meet her parents.  She will be dictating your schedules from now on, and I am sure you both will love every minute of it.  Enjoy the time they are small before long you will be asking yourself where it all went.

    Take care,
    Tara and Joe

  6. Congratulations!   Piper Grace is beautiful!  A baby girl to spoil… and Dave, you know you’ll be wrapped around her finger, right???  🙂  

    We are  excited for you and are so happy things went well with the early labor!  I look forward to talking with you!  

    Trish, Carl and Parker

  7. Congratulations Dave and Jen!!
      What a "baby-doll" Piper is.  You are about to have the best years of your lives. Enjoy every minute, because they go so fast!!  We can’t wait to see her (and you 2) in person !! Give her a kiss for great-uncle Jack and great-aunt Susie (I guess that’s what we are…)
    Love ya,
    Uncle Jack and Aunt Susie

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