Piper Grace Deelo – Has Arrived!

Well as it turns out, the little girl couldn’t wait!  Jen went in for her routine checkup and got a one way pass directly to the LDR at Huntington Hospital. They hooked her up to the monitor and asked how bad the contractions felt?  To which she replied “what contractions??”  They told her to drive directly to the hospital around the block. Well, it was a beautiful day and only a few blocks away so she walked over instead and I met her there within the hour.  The nurses were astonished by the fact that she was 1/2 way there when they admitted her. They brought her in, the doctor showed up and within the hour Piper Grace Deelo was born.  Mother and baby girl are doing absolutely fantastic!  When we got to the maternity room, Jen was really hungry. So the doctor approved a full menu for her and she’s having dinner right now.  I’m writing the blog from home and heading back over to the hospital.  Rebecca (my sister) is picking me since I had to take one of the cars home.  A typical Monday turned into the most special day of our lives. We are so excited.

                            Peace and Love to you all!

                        Jennifer, David & Piper Grace

10 thoughts on “Piper Grace Deelo – Has Arrived!

  1. What a wonderful surprise! Obviously, this is one young lady who will not want to be kept waiting! Can’t wait to hold her and spoil her!
    Much love to all+

  2. Congratulations Jen and Dave !   We can’t wait to see and hold our new little grandaughter, Piper Grace.. She’s a beautiful little girl.. We are so happy for you both.  What great parents you will be!
    Grandma and  Grandpa Snitger

  3. Congratulations Jen and Dave! She is absolutely beautiful and what a perfect name. Scott and I are so happy for you! We can’t wait to meet her in person!

  4. Hello little Piper, and Congratulations Jen and Dave!  Jen and I are so excited for the three of you!  Thanks for the pictures, they are fantastic!!  Almost hit Grandma Snitger’s birthday too!! 🙂

  5. Congratulations, Jen and Dave. What a beautiful "little bundle of love"! Piper Grace is so lucky to have such wonderful parents and grandparents. Can’t wait to see more photos. She’s adorable!!

  6. Jen you make this look easy.  Glowing throughout pregnancy, halfway through labor without batting an eyelash, AMAZING.  Now the real fun begins for the two of you, raising a beautiful baby girl.

    Congratulations Jen & Dave!  Welcome Piper!

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