Sitting pretty

It was a warm and sunny day here.  We enjoyed every minute of it by spending as much time outside as possible.  Playing in the grass for awhile, taking a nice long walk and just staying cool in all the heat.

Lately, we’ve noticed Piper’s babbling has changed.  There are definitely more consonants now than before.  Mommy is hearing lots of ma-ma-ma’s which is exciting!!  It’s so much fun listening to her talk. We’ll try to get it on video so you can hear.

Peaches, Green beans, Oatmeal… Oh my!

Piper had quite the appetite today.  First she had her regular meal of formula and peaches (per the schedule).  Then she moved on to more of a well rounded dinner which consisted of green beans, oatmeal and a bottle.  We thought she might not like green beans after trying fruit but she gobbled them all up.  She was a little overwhelmed by the overall assortment but really took well to it.

Piper has also noticed our cat Kitty and loves her.  She was around her grandparent’s cats when she was visiting and they were so sweet to her.  Now Piper want to get the same attention from our Kitty.  It’s so cute to watch her face light up when she sees the cat.  Below are a few photos that capture her excitement.

A Trip to the Office

Piper went on a field trip to mommy’s office to see where she works.  She met all kinds of very nice ladies and even got to pretend she was working.  All that socializing made for one sleepy baby.  She came home and took a two and a half hour nap.  Guess that’s why they call it “work”.

Playing in the grass

Today, Piper had a guest appearance from Auntie Becca who filled in as nanny for the day.  They had a wonderful time playing, sleeping and walking in the neighborhood!  Piper got to try peaches for the first time and she loved every spoonful – like the rest of her foods!  Of course there was that first day of cereal that really didn’t go well but after that it was nothing but love for all the foods.

In the afternoon they setup in the backyard to play around in the grass.  There was lots of sunshine and smiles.  Sad that Auntie Becca did escape without a picture – we’ll have to make sure that doesn’t happen again.  Glad you gals had a great day together!!

More peaches please!

Raspberries and peaches

7 Month Check-up

This afternoon Piper went for her 7 month doctor appointment.  She weighs 15 lbs 14 oz and 26 inches long – putting her in the 50% range.  The doctor was pleased with her development and thought she looked great.  We still need to factor in 3 weeks less for all her milestones (since she was early) but the doctor was very happy!  Still no sign of teeth but we get to increase her solid food intake which she will love!  She had two vaccinations which is never fun and we’re look forward to the day those are done. 

Tonight Piper and Daddy hung out and he got lots of belly laughs.  (Sorry we don’t have photos but we were all laughing so hard.)  He is really glad to have his girls back!