A Santa Visit

Santa made his visit to the Huntington Garden’s today.  We went to see him in the pouring down rain.  It actually put us more in the spirit.  Andrew was a bit scared sitting on his lap but thought he was pretty cool otherwise.  He even said good-bye as we left.  Piper loved talking to Santa and told him what she wanted for Christmas.  Afterwards she said that he was a very nice man.  Just like her Daddy and Grandpas. Then Piper enjoyed a story read by Mrs. Claus, we had cookies and hot apple cider.  Even in the rain it was fun!Mrs. Claus reading to the children.  Piper is in the raincoat.  She was so into the story she forgot to take her hood down.



Christmastime at Disney

We love to go Disney this time of year.  It’s so beautiful!  Today we went after Piper’s school in the late afternoon.  We visited both parks and stayed to see all the lights.  The crowds were sparse making it an enjoyable day!

Happy Thanksgiving

We have so much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving.  Today we celebrated the day with just our family of four.  It was a nice opportunity to reflect on all we are thankful for with Piper.  She has been learning about Thanksgiving all week at school and shared the story of the Pilgrims.  We enjoyed a wonderful turkey feast which Piper also helped prepare.  It will be nice when Andrew is old enough to join in.  Piper made thumbprint turkey place cards for everyone.  She also made the feathered turkeys at school. 


All Cozy

The last few days have been rainy and gloomy here.  We have been keeping busy and cozy at home. Piper, Baby Doll and mommy making pumpkin breadPiper is such a great helper!Playing lots of Play-DohGetting the wiggles outAnother cozy night by the fire