Settling back in

Piper had a great night of sleep back in her own bed.  She was glad to be back home and play with all of her toys too.  It was as if Christmas had come early!!

We noticed she is getting another bottom tooth which is causing lots of drool.  So far it hasn’t caused her to be out of sorts.

Tech Note: The ‘Add a Comment’ feature has been a little funny lately. The web hosting people have changed a few things, so instead of using the ‘’ at the beginning you have to use ‘’ which will fix the problem. Just click here:

Last Day in San Francisco

Today, was our last day up in the Bay area and we wanted to show Piper a few more sights in the city.  First stop was walking around Ghirardelli Square and having a yummy sundae.  Then we stopped to watch the cable cars and took a stroll by the wharf.

Piper did wonderful on the short plane ride home showing off her vocal skills.  The flight attendant was very smittened.  After our great trip Piper was glad to be back home and in her own beddy again. 

Baby Steps

Piper has started to take little baby steps while she holds onto the couch and one of our hands.  It’s fun watching her try to make things go.  Also, she’s getting very good at pulling herself up. 

Having a Great Time

Piper had a fun adventure out with mommy & daddy today.  What a trooper she’s been without much nap time since there was so much to do and people to see.  She made an appearance at mommy’s work in San Francisco where she met some fans of her blog. Then it was off to lunch where she ate lots of watermelon and cantaloupe.  The rest of the day she was all giggles and smiles and just too cute for words. 

The Ferry Building – Downtown SF

More fruit, please!!!

Maura and Piper

Up the coast

Piper took another adventure today up the coast to foggy San Francisco where she got to see the Golden Gate Bridge.  Plus she met up with a few friends from back east.  Chris & Jocelyn took us to a local place where they actually serve authentic Pittsburgh style sandwiches.  It was a yummy treat and the closest you’ll find on the West Coast to a Pittsburgh tradition.  Weather was a cool 60 degrees and really beats being in the Pasadena heat. It was chilly and windy at the top of the look out point at the GG which made it difficult standing still for very long.  Piper had a ball and just giggled the entire time.

Piper and the Golden Gate Bridge