Soccer Start

Andrew started soccer practice yesterday.  He loved it.  This year he will be on a team and they will have games every Saturday.  Everything is held at Central Park.  Piper and I took a walk to explore the area.  It’s really beautiful.

And Andrew lost another front tooth on Monday!    The view to the North A view looking East The view to the West We found a cool park located in the middle.We love how the sun sets through the clouds.

Bay Aquatic Park

We ventured out to Broomfield to check out the Bay Aquatic Water Park.  It was so much fun!  They had several water slides, a pool and other water features to play in.   After dinner we headed back out to our local pool for more swimming!

Happy Friday!

Andrew and Piper have completed their first week of school and they are off to a great start.  They are loving school.  An additional excitement to our week is that Andrew lost another tooth.  We also discovered a new pocket park called Song Bird Park.  It’s pretty cute!  SunsetThe cool park at the end of our block

Solar Eclipse

What a fun way to start school by having a solar eclipse happen on the first day.  The parents and families were invited to school so we could all be together.  It was a neat experience!

First Day of School!

School finally started.  Piper’s first day was on Monday and Andrew started on Tuesday. They both had great days.  There is another new girl in Piper’s class and they hit it off right away.  We are slowly getting into a school routine but we are off to a good start!  Their mascot is a dragon.  The Izzy Bird Dragons.