Swimming Lessons   

The kids started swimming lessons at the Rose Bowl this week.  They were able to take them at the same time but on opposites of the pool.  Andrew went to the baby lesson with daddy and Piper went to the preschool lesson all by herself with a teacher.  Unfortunately  it was hard to get some good shots because they were on either end.  Andrew and Piper both loved it and can’t wait to go again next week!

Daddy saw a difference in Andrew that he was great at kicking his legs where Piper was better at splashing with her arms. 

learning to jump in from the side.

Piper was in a class of 5 with one teacher.  They worked on simple thing to get used to the water like blowing bubbles, putting their face in, and simple swim techniques as kicking with their legs and body position.  Piper loved it all and was very proud of what she accomplished.

waving at daddy across the pool

Ice Cream Sandwich

We know it’s summer time when we hear the ice- cream truck coming down the street.  We had to wait for her to stop 4 times just on our block before she got to us.  Piper was so happy to get an ice-cream sandwich all to herself!  YUM

Summer Preschool

Piper had a blast at summer school and can’t wait to start back in the fall.  Each week they had a different theme which made it really fun for the kids.  She made alot of great friends and had wonderful teachers! 

First week – Up in the air

Week 2 – The Littlest Bake Shop. 

They baked muffins and pizza plus had lots of baking pretend play.  A very fun week!!

Week 3 – Under the Big Top

Piper came home with her face painted each day this week

Week 4 – Making Music

Week 5 – Building (sorry no photos)

Week 6 – Bugs (EW!)

Piper wouldn’t pose for a photo this week

Week 7 – Water Week!

This was probably Piper’s favorite along with the baking week.