Parade Floats and the Park

Piper and mommy went down to check out the floats while they were still being worked on.  The volunteers were working very diligently putting on the last touches of flowers before the parade tomorrow morning.  It’s a fun time to be a Pasadena resident.  Afterwards we went to the park by the Rose Bowl.  

Piper loves to go down the slides

look mom, no hands

The Trader Joe’s Float

Back Home Safe and Sound

Piper, mommy and daddy left for Pasadena Monday afternoon.  We had to connect through Chicago but didn’t have any trouble.  Piper was excellent on both flights and even took a nap.  She was very happy to see her Kitty but did ask several times to go to Grandma’s house once we got home. 

Tuesday Piper hit the park for a little sunshine.  She is getting so brave going down the slides by herself.  A few times she even went down backwards. 

going down the big tunnel slide

I LOVE Kitty

Piper’s 3rd Christmas

Piper had a wonderful Christmas in Beaver.   She spent Christmas Eve having dinner with the cousin Deelo boys.  Then she visited more of daddy’s family at Aunt Barbie and Uncle Frank’s house.  Christmas morning was fun opening up gifts from Santa although she wasn’t that into the presents this year.  We had Christmas dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Deelo’s house with the whole gang.  It’s too bad it rained all day instead of snowing.  But we are very happy to have seen snow earlier in the week. 

Thanks to everyone for making Piper’s holiday so special!

too busy to pose in my Christmas dress

dancing with Grandpa

birthday cake for daddy