A Special Birthday

This birthday was special because Grandma was here to help celebrate.  The kids greeted me with breakfast, presents and lots of cards in the morning.  Then we had a delicious lunch in Carpinteria followed by an afternoon at the beach.  I couldn’t have asked for a better day. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and greetings.  That also made my day!  View at lunch Piper made me crepes and eggs for breakfast.  What a treat! Andrew decorated a cake for meHomemade cards

Fun Photos

 Piper has grown so tall she now fits on mommy’s bike.  Grandpa had the handlebars reconfigured so it would be much easier for her to ride.  She loves having gears to make the hills easier!   Playing outside working on puzzles Friday the 3rd graders put on an American Indian skit for the assembly.  It was nice Grandpa could go. our sweet kittens