A Night in Breck

We decided to make a whole event out of the Ice Castles and enjoy a night in Breckenridge. We stayed at a lodge up on the mountain that had great views! The kids did some sledding in the afternoon and at night. We also enjoyed the hot tub even though it was very windy and snowy.

Sledding at Carter Park
We found a kitty!
Playing along the creek that is now frozen

View from the hotel

It was cold and windy in the hot tub
Night sledding is the best. We found a great hill near our hotel.
A beautiful drive home

Ice Castles

Tonight we toured the Ice Castle in Dillion which were so beautiful. This year they only allowed a limited amount of people in at a time so we felt like we had the place to ourselves. It was a great evening!

Merry Christmas Eve

Making the cookie dough

Decorating cookies with Grandma and Grandpa over zoom. It’s one of our Christmas Eve traditions.

Getting the dough ready for the cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.

Opening Grandma and Grandpa’s presents over zoom. If we couldn’t be together this was the next best thing.
Max hiding under the tree
Reading Santa Mouse before bed

Keeping Busy Over Break

We made snowmen ornaments and Orange Pomanders to celebrate the Winter Solstice.

We have been playing a lot of Colroado-opoly
We made peanut butter cookies

Delivered goodies to friends and neighbors

Our Elf is getting ready to fly back to the North Pole
Plus lots of relaxing