Checking out the new area

Piper explored her new digs today by spending time in her crib where she’ll be taking naps and such from now on.  As mom is trying to get her to sleep on her own (as opposed to sleeping beside us) the crib is the perfect solution.  Who would have thought?

The rest of the day was business as usual.  It rained a bit and she got to enjoy another one of those rainy days where you just stay indoors with a warm blanket next to someone you love.  Probably an odd day to start putting her in the crib but she has to learn sometime.  So here are a few other pictures from bed time tonight, try to ignore Dave’s big head below.

So Happy!

Here are a few photos of Piper smiling.  We can’t wait to get home for Christmas so everyone can see this great big smile in person!  

Bye Bye

Piper said goodbye to Grandpa until she sees him again in just a few short weeks.  We had a nice breakfast together before his trip.  Poor guy doesn’t have much luck at the Burbank  Airport.  His flight was delayed which caused him to miss his connection in Phoenix.  The plane finally left and he flew to Phoenix then to Vegas to catch the red eye.  Uck!

We want to thank Grandpa again for all his help.  It was great you could extend you trip and be with us.  Looking forward to seeing you and Grandma really soon!!

Painting the town

Piper spent her last day with Grandpa showing off the Huntington Gardens.  It turned out to be another beautiful day and we were able to explore most of the grounds.  Piper enjoyed being carried in her new front carrier and took a nice long nap. 

Then, we all enjoyed a great dinner and even got to sit outside by the fire pit.  Piper was so exhausted by all the excitement she missed the meal.  After dinner we strolled around our outdoor mall.  The town looks so great all decked out for the holidays.

9 Weeks Old

Piper celebrated another milestone by entering her 9th week.  We still feel so very blessed to have her with us and love every minute!  Then she started handing out smiles left and right, the sun was shining but had nothing on Piper!  What a great mood she was in today.

Tomorrow is Grandpa’s last day here, so Piper and Grandpa are going to go out and paint the town.  Well, at least ride around a bit before it’s time to eat.  Then maybe nap a bit here and there but definitely going to live it up for now!