Andrew’s First Day of 5th Grade

It’s hard to believe Andrew is starting 5th grade today! Time is just flying by! He was excited and nervous to start his first day. But he came home with a big smile and is glad to be back. He said it was great to see all his friends again and he really likes his teacher! Here’s to a healthy year!

After school all smiles!
On his last day of summer he went out for ice cream with Jack

Then we made one of his favorite for dinner which was chicken and waffles. The evening ended with family Wii bowling and an ice cream cake from Sweet Cow

Green Mountain Trail Hike

We hiked in Hayden Park on Green Mountain which is very close to Denver. It was a steep and challenging climb but once at the top there were stunning views. A rain cloud moved in quickly which cut the hike short.

Downtown Denver in the distance
Red Rocks Amphitheater

Piper’s First Day of 8th Grade

We can’t believe Piper is starting 8th day today. This is her last year of middle school. The smoke finally moved out and it was the perfect temperature out.
The night before we made her favorite dinner which was Ramen and had a gooey chocolate cake to celebrate. Earlier we also got a sweet treat at the gelato shop.
It was a little sunny