Andrew’s Spring Concert

DSC_1286Tonight we went to see Andrew sing in his school Spring concert.  (The was the same Spring concert that Piper sang in last year for preschool.) Andrew did so well!  The place was packed but he sang very confidently up on stage with his class. They sang a bubble song, did a bible verse and sang a song about the seven days of the week.  It was a very cute show.  All in total there were 244 children that performed from the school.  DSC_1284 DSC_1302 DSC_1298 DSC_1303 The circles around their necks are supposed to be bubbles.DSC_1308 DSC_1310 Andrew and his classDSC_1332The whole school

Piper’s Art Room

I volunteered to help in Piper’s art class today.  Sadly it was the last class of the year.  It’s hard to believe it all went so fast.  She only has 6 more days of school left.

Today the kids made cherry blossoms branches.  They were beautiful!IMG_3702 IMG_3703 IMG_3704 The glass doors as you enter.  They were hand painted by the art teacher Mrs. Brune.IMG_3705The art room and Mrs. Brune!

Old School BBQ

IMG_3234It was a great weekend filled with lots of BBQs. We even snuck in a date night on Saturday.

Today we got together with a bunch of families we haven’t seen in awhile.  We all met at the Mom’s group that we joined many years ago.  At that time we all only had one child and saw each other regularly.  Now between 5 families we total 13 children! It was so great to catch up and see how much our children have grown. Below is a photo of 11 of the 13. The kids range from 7 years to 18 months.DSC_1268 DSC_1274 DSC_1279Piper playing with Liam. IMG_3230