HPA Open House

Tonight was Piper’s school open house.  It was great to see what she’s been up to in the classroom as well as meet the first grade teachers.  There were so much going on and so many people that we forgot to take a picture of Piper in her classroom.  It was a very busy night!IMG_3640Because of the open house Piper had a  half day of school.  Mommy and Piper got their nails done together and had lunch.  It was a fun little celebration.  Then later that afternoon we rushed to soccer where Piper scored a goal before dinner and our evening at High Point. Whew!  We are glad the weekend is almost here!IMG_3637 What Piper wrote about the kind things she does and says.IMG_3635 Piper and her 3rd Grade Buddy.  This photo is on the first day they met.  Audrey is a very sweet girl!IMG_3634Piper enjoying her favorite feast at Chipotle!