Happy Halloween!

 Piper and Andrew made their costumes again this year.  They wanted to go as a witch and a ghost.  The annual parade around the neighborhood before trick or treating officially begins!  Out with our spooky neighbors. Love Denver weather.  On Monday it was a high of 79 and dropped to a high of 43 for Tuesday with snow!

Swigert School Spelling Bee

Piper was among the 30 students who competed in the school’s spelling bee.  She did great!  She made it to round 7 out of 9 rounds and was in the top 10!  The top 10 finalist move onto the District spelling bees. We were so proud of her!  She was very brave to compete with all her peers watching.    As you can see it was a packed house filled with the students of the school and parents.

A Fun Busy Weekend

What a fun weekend! This weekend was the last weekend for the Farmer’s Market.   Watching our neighbor’s gerbils. Piper playing with her new buddy Jackson. Gorgeous day for a ride around town.