Happy First Halloween!

No ghouls or specters kept Piper from enjoying her very first Halloween!  She put on her best ghost outfit to face the hauntings of Halloween and was thrilled to see that all who showed up in search of candy.  What a day!

As it all started off, Mom and Piper took a field trip into Old Town Pasadena to pickup a few things.  Then it was time to grab the pumpkin and start the photos!  As night fell and the spirits arose, the neighborhood filled with children up and down the streets.  A fun time for all.

We’re now settling in for bed and there’s a slight chill in the air.  Could it be 1 or 2 of the spirits have chosen to stick around for a while longer?  Hmm… let’s hope they’re friendlies!

What’s that noise?

With ghostly floor creeks and rustling trees in the wind, Piper was on high alert trying to decipher these new sounds.  Everything in her world around has gone on a slight hold as she enjoys the pleasant haunting of the season that blew in with this cooler autumn air. 

The spirits descend a little closer upon us as she comes to know some of the wonderful souls of our past.  Occasionally they startle but other times they lend a hand.  As Piper becomes acquainted with the ghosts of the past, she spent the better part of today awake and taking it all in. 

So as today turns into tomorrow and becomes that which will be her first Halloween night, Piper will rest soundly knowing that all who watch over are the beautiful souls that love her so dear.  Sleep well little one and don’t mind that noise!

Go Steelers!

Piper has really been getting into the football each Sunday and wasn’t disappointed with the Steeler’s performance in Cinci this week.  Lot of scoring and good plays really kept the good energy moving for the Pittsburgh faithful which extended all the way out here to Pasadena.

She also had a big day of getting ready for Halloween and strolling around the neighborhood.  Can’t believe how into it people are out here, houses are more decorated now than they are at Christmas.  The fires seem to have subsided so we did stroll around on this very warm Sunday.  It was all good and led to a very tired Piper tonight.

The week Piper is really looking forward to her very first Halloween!

And then there were three…

Piper took her first trip to the airport to see Grandma off this morning.  It was sad to see her go and Piper cried, well maybe she was hungry but she did cry none the less.

Today also marks another milestone for Piper, size 1 diapers.  When we brought her home from the hospital she was wearing preemie size and has come along way in almost 5 weeks!  She still isn’t a fan of her pacifier and for some reason will only take it when she’s calm.  Which sorta defeats the purpose of  a pacifier but are going to keep working on it.  On another note, she’s been doing really well taking a bottle and have been doing that once a day so she gets used to it.  Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful comments and notes!