3 weeks old already

We can’t believe our baby is 3 weeks old already.  It’s so fun watching her grow and change daily.  She is getting so big and is filling out nicely. 

The weather has been gloomy and cool the last two days.  It really feels like fall out here.  Grandma has been spoiling us by making us homemade pumpkin pie and pumpkin bars that really puts us in the season. 

Our princess

As time would have it, Piper has been getting bigger and putting on good weight.  Just this week she’s been eating alot more and sleeping better.  Come to find out this growth spurt was the major catalyst behind it all.  We’re hoping that all the resting parts carry a bit longer into the nights.  Tonight she had a bath and was very calm.  Not sure what changed but she really likes the bath time now!


Warm baths, free meals & all the rest she wants sounds more like an oasis for Piper.  She has a great vocal set backed with 2 high performance lungs that will break any slumber day or night.  We give her credit, she knows what she wants and always wants it NOW!  Not to fear, she’s amazing, adorable and has the most kissable cheeks around.  Just try to catch her while she’s sleeping or just take in the photo above, you get the idea.