Fun Friday!

Another busy day.DSC_0889 Piper’s school celebrated International Day.  She is wearing a dress from Mexico that we borrowed from a friend. IMG_4791 Next up was piano.  This is my view.IMG_4792 Piper took a class at Color Me Mine to make a clay mug.  She had a blast.IMG_4797IMG_4807 Andrew and I walked around Old Town and met Daddy for dinner.IMG_4781Kitty getting some more love from Piper.

Thursday Golfing

We had to switch the golf to Thursday this week because we will be without a car on Saturday. Daddy unfortunately has to go into work that day.  Bummer!  But on the bright side it was nice taking golfing today because the class size was much smaller and it wasn’t as hectic at Brookside as on the weekends.  Today they started with putting and then moved onto the golf course to practice chipping.  A lucky girl! IMG_4774 Piper with some golfing buddies Elizabeth and KatherineIMG_4777 Coach Kathy telling Piper where to aimIMG_4778 IMG_4780 Piper did great 3 putting the ball twice on this excersize IMG_4771Andrew rode his bike around the Rose Bowl while mommy walked

Playing Cards

Andrew doesn’t school this week due to parent/teacher conferences.  Today he’s hanging with his best friend blue bear and playing the card game spoons.IMG_4760 IMG_4762

Afternoon at the Huntington

Piper had a half day of school today.  We had lunch with HPA friends then headed to the Huntington to run off some energy.  It was a beautiful day to be out. DSC_0887DSC_0894 DSC_0879Piper is studying Chinese brush painting in Art.  She learned to draw bamboo which they will start painting next week.  When she saw the bamboo at the Huntington she wanted to get a picture to show her teacher.DSC_0883Love…