BBQ Filled Weekend

IMG_1088 We had a packed weekend.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday we entertained with friends.  It’s was a great way to kick off the start of summer!IMG_1080Hanging with Noemi, Milo and baby ElyseIMG_1083 IMG_1094 Grilling with our neighbors.  We set up an art table for the kids to keep them busyIMG_1096 IMG_1097 IMG_1110 Monday we spent the afternoon at The HuntingtonIMG_1115 duck crossing IMG_1121IMG_1120 IMG_1132We ending the weekend with a family game of baseball

Cooking at Saute

Piper and her good friend Francesca took another cooking class at Saute Academy.  Today they learned about French cooking by making crepes and elephant ears.IMG_5322 IMG_5326 IMG_5329 warming up the doughIMG_5332 IMG_5339 IMG_5346

Busy Week

This week was extremely busy.  I only have a few photos to share. IMG_1067 After a busy week we relaxed with an ice cream and lemonade picnic.  We soon realized lemonade does not go well with ice cream.IMG_1059 Andrew is learning about Space and the Earth at schoolIMG_1042 Piper has planted a couple of herb gardens for the summerIMG_1066 We checked out Andrew’s classroom for next year.  They are busy bees!IMG_1053Andrew was the snack helper this week at school.  It’s a fun day because they get to be in chargeIMG_1065 There was an early dismissal on Wednesday which gave us time for another ice cream treatIMG_1063 IMG_1072

High Point Hike

IMG_1028 On Sunday Piper took us on the hiking trail that goes around her school.  The older kids actually run this for P.E.  IMG_1029 Great views from up hereIMG_1031 IMG_1032We even found a cozy bench along the way

High Point Open House

Piper had her open house on Thursday evening.  Unfortunately Andrew was under the weather so he and daddy weren’t able to join us. It was nice to see what Piper had been working on all year.IMG_1020 IMG_1023Piper’s teacher Mrs. ShawIMG_1019 Animal habitat boardIMG_1021 Piper’s desk (writing portfolio and rock diary)IMG_1022 Her roomIMG_1025We hiked up the hill and this was the view of the school.  It was really beautiful.