Drew’s 3 Year Check-Up

Andrew had a great 3 year old check-up.  He is 39 inches tall and weighs 33 pounds.  His height is above average for his age.  The doctor said he grew 3 inches and gained 5 pounds since last year.  He met all his milestones and excelled at some.  The doctor thought he looked great.  And the best part was no vaccines!  After the appointment we went to our favorite greasy spoon (Andy’s) for breakfast.IMG_2711

Andrew’s Birthday

IMG_2712Drew had a pretty good birthday.  Mommy unfortunately was in Washington D.C. for work so she wasn’t there to celebrate.  Our sitter arranged a playdate with some of his friends at a local park.  She brought cupcakes and everyone sang.  Then daddy and Piper took him out to eat at his favorite restaurant for dinner.  Happy Birthday, Andrew!!IMG_2708 IMG_2695 Some photos of the D.C. trip.  Cousin Jeff showing me around.IMG_2692 IMG_2702 IMG_2698