Home Sweet Home

Here are a few photos from our living room although it’s not completely done.  The finishing touches will be a rug (that’s been ordered), media console and art.  We can’t thank Grandpa Snitger enough for all his help getting the room ready.  It was a lot of hard work on his part but very worth it!

The photos should give you an idea of how the room looks although they really don’t show the detail.

the bookshelf/desk was custom made to include the computer in our living room

the view as you enter the room

Part II

Here are a few photos from the guest bedroom.  Again, thank you Grandpa for your hard work!! It’s a nice cozy room that has a bathroom attached.  We still need to get the decorating down but wanted to show the progress.

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope everyone had a niceThanksgiving Day.   Our day was spent with wonderful family and friends.  Aunt Becca joined us for dinner including lots of playtime with Piper.  The two enjoyed the beautiful warm weather outside.  Then we had dessert with Jackson’s family.

It’s amazing to think Piper was just starting to walk this time last year.  My how much she has grown since then.

Sunny Days

Today Piper took Grandma and Grandpa to another favorite park in the neighborhood.  It’s great having so many fun places to go.  Piper was very brave and went down the slides all by herself.  After playing at the park we went to lunch at an old pharmacy where they have a soda fountain.  Grandpa and Piper shared a milk shake together.