Annual Nutcracker Ballet

We went to our annual Nutcracker ballet this year at the Mackey Theater in Boulder.  They had a live orchestra which made it really nice. Before the event we had lunch at the Chautauqua House.  It was a nice day together.


Thankful we could all be together for the holiday.  It made our first Thanksgiving in our new home very special!

 Playing out front before dinner on Thursday Biking around town Ice skating in Downtown  Union Station on Friday  Someone wanted to help put the tree up Being social at the Punch Bowl Social  Climbing rocks at Central Park Celebrating 50 years!

Dinosaur Ridge and Red Rocks

Our friends from California were visiting so we took a trip out to Dinosaur Ridge and Red Rocks. Dinosaur tracks  Red Rocks is in the background What a beautiful place to see a concert!  With Caden who was visiting

Winter Welcome

Stapleton held their annual Winter Welcome last night.  Unfortunately it rained for the whole event.  We stuck it out for a bit with Piper’s friend Carson.  Because of the rain the tree only turned halfway on Dancing tree We did take a carriage ride in the rain Looking forward to this celebration next year and hopefully it will be dry.

Busy weeks…

We have been busy lately.  It’s hard to believe we are already halfway through the month of November.  Where does the time go?

Getting haircuts  Hanging out with his buddy Walker Thanksgiving lunch at school