Let’s do lunch

Piper had a special visit today from mommy’s good friend Erin.  Piper loved the extra attention and they got along great.  Erin fed Piper applesauce for the first time which she gobbled up.  After that they went out to do lunch.  Piper enjoyed all the excitement and action going on around but she was really the center of attention at the table. 

It was so nice seeing Erin again and we hope to do it again very soon!  (and Jenna too)

Celebration time!

Piper had a great day with Kate, even though they were stuck in doors.  The weather is cooling down which looks like it’s helping the fire.  Hopefully  it will be ok to go out again soon.

This evening Piper helped mommy celebrate her birthday.  She was very curious of the candle in the cake and loved singing the birthday song.  Before you know it Piper will have her very first birthday cake of her own!

Feeling hot hot hot….

Piper enjoyed indoor activities since the temperature hit nearly 100 degrees topped with wildfires in the area.  We decided to stay in with the AC on and play.  Besides all the heat it was a typical day at home.

Pass the Pears

Piper has moved onto pears as her fruit of the day.  She enjoyed them as much as the rest of her fruits. The only thing she’s not digging is the cereal with her veggie.  Cereal has never been a favorite so we have to really hide it.

We didn’t get out today because due to a wild fire in the near by town so the air was a little smoky.  The ash is pretty thick over here so it was best just to stay in.  Piper seemed to enjoy all the attention and didn’t mind one bit.

Some Like it Hot…

Piper is enjoying the sunny warm days out West and had the chance to try out some of her summer outfits in this heat.  Today she enjoyed a wonderful day of walking around the neighborhood.  After that she had some talking to do but we only captured a small bit on the clip below.  It seems we always miss it when she has the most to say.