Happy Halloween!

What’s that??    Yay!!  It’s Halloween!!

A punkin too cute for words.

Gaby and Piper at the Halloween party.

Ben the Bat and Piper the Punkin enjoying the candy bowl.

EEeekk!!  Ghosts!!!

Tricks or Treats

After the party we took Piper out for a little trick or treating.  The neighborhood goes pretty crazy on Halloween decorations as you can see from the photos below.  Piper enjoyed walking around after  hours and seeing all the other kids. 

Full steam ahead…

Tricks or treats

A Visit with Grandma

Grandma is back for a little visit and Piper greeted her with a big smile.  It’s been a few months since we last saw Grandma but Piper seemed to know exactly who she was. We had a nice day catching up.  Of course Grandma can’t visit without bringing presents.  Piper you are such a lucky girl!

Pointing out the bear’s nose

Ahoy Mate!

Today, Piper experienced her first sailboat ride with Ben and his parents.  She loved being out in the boat and loved watching the water.  It was a bit choppy which didn’t bother Piper a bit.  She was also happy to lend a hand in steering once we made it back to the harbor.  See photo below. 

It was a beautiful day to be out on the ocean!

Ben and his daddy steering the boat.

Piper’s at Dan’s feet, second in command

Ben showing Piper how to sail