Rose Parade Floats

One of our favorite things is to go to the Rose Bowl and see some of the floats being prepared for the parade.  It’s fun to watch them put the last finishing touches on.  Although it was sunny the weather this year is much colder than normal.

the kids laughing at each other

Piper took a ride in an airplane sponsored by the air force

We took a quick pitstop at Kidspace for some fun

The Honda Float – A World of Dreams

The Trader Joe’s float – Exploring Planet Dinner

More details from the Trader Joe’s Float

Piper’s Cozy Bed

Piper moved into a big (cozy) girl bed this week.  She loved being in her crib so much that we weren’t in a rush.  Piper was really excited and has been sleeping great the last couple of nights.  So far she hasn’t tried to get out of it when she’s supposed to be sleeping.  We hope the excitement continues!

Solid Foods

Andrew had his first taste of cereal today.  He has been watching us eat closely and hoping we would share a taste.  The first few bites of cereal he seemed to like.  Then after eating halfway through the bowl he started to have a tough time getting it down.  We tried it the next day and he wasn’t as interested.  He’s wishing we would get onto the veggies instead of the bland cereal.

My first couple of bites I was even helping with the spoon.

Now I’m not too sure I like this stuff