Visiting more people

Piper was a social butterfly today by attending her first Moravec reunion.  This is her Great Grandma (Moravec) Ross’ side of the family.  She met so many new faces and enjoyed seeing the familiar ones.  Also Piper tried her Aunt Jan’s manicotti for the first time and loved it!

Settling in

Piper arrived safely in Beaver after a great plane ride.  She was so good on the flight and didn’t cry once, which probably means it’ll be a different story on the ride home.  After checking things out for the first 45 minutes, she got comfy and slept the rest of the way.  Then she was greeted by grandma and grandpa who couldn’t wait to see her.  It was so fun for them to see how much she has changed since they saw her a short time ago.

After a few naps Piper had two special visitors.  First, mommy’s friend Shannon stopped by and spent the afternoon hanging out.  She brought out lots of smiles and giggles.  Then Ellen stopped by for a quick visit to say hello.   What a great day!

Heading back East

Piper and mommy are looking forward to their trip home.  They were busy getting things ready.  Piper said good bye to her buddy Ben then spent the evening with her daddy.  She will miss him so much.

A Normal Day

Piper was up to her usual behaviors today.  As you can see from the photos she always has a lot to say.  Just one busy bee exploring everything that comes in her path. 

Getting Organized

Piper helped mommy get things somewhat organized for their trip today, so they were both busy bees.  Looking forward to seeing everyone shortly.

After dinner Piper went over to Ben’s to play a bit.  They are slowly becoming more aware of each other and even bonded a bit.  We wonder what goes through their little minds.  Then Piper came home to see her daddy!  As usual she was thrilled to see him.

Playing the bongos on daddy’s head

here kitty kitty….

Hi, Ben