The Cheese and Reading Together

Andrew hung out with his friend Lucas on Monday morning.  The boys were reading together.

Last week Piper and Andrew went to Chuck E. Cheese with our babysitter.  We normally don’t see Chuck unless it’s for a party but he made a special appearance today. 

Friday’s Adventure: Downtown LA   

We are going to try to do a little adventure each Friday.  Today we went into Downtown to visit Mommy’s work.  Piper had forgotten what the office looked like and has been asking to go.  Piper loves taking what she calls the “curvy freeway” into Downtown. It’s the Arroyo Secco Parkway which is actually the first freeway in California.  We checked out where mommy does her work, said hi to a few co-workers and had a pizza lunch in the courtyard.  Unfortunately the fountain is under construction.  As a special treat we took a ride on Angels Flight which is a landmark incline.

Piper brought in her computer to get some work done

Riding on Angels Flight

Share Day – Letter of the Week is E

The letter of the week for Piper’s school is E.  She was very excited to figure out what to bring in for share day.  We looked around the house for things that began with E.  She found an elephant, Minnie ears and Ellie the kitty.  Then Piper shouted out – ELI!.  “Eli begins with E!” So we found a photo of Eli that Piper could share with her classmates. 

Piper was also excited to try out her new lunch box. Thank you, Shannon!!!