Birthday Party

Piper got to go to her friend Gracie’s 2nd birthday party today.  She was all dressed up in her new pink dress and was the cutest baby at the party!  She was sleeping when we arrived and was able to get in a few more winks of sleep until the girls discovered her.  After that she was just so entertained by everything that was going on around. 

Piper had such a great time at the party and can’t wait for her next one.  Fun hat, dress and lots of people to love her up makes for a wonderful day out.

A Big Field Trip

Mommy had to be in Costa Mesa for a business meeting today so Piper and Grandmum got to tag along.  There was a huge mall across the street so they spent their time window shopping.  Piper loved looking at all the new sights and even missed her cat nap.  There was a carousel in the middle of the mall that caught Piper’s eye.  And she enjoyed lunch where she was able to hang out in the seat like a big girl.

After taking a long cat nap on the car ride home she enjoyed playing with her usual toys and hanging outside.  It was a great day and Piper behaved so well.

Sunny Days

It was a beautiful sunny day here which seemed  to give Piper lots of energy.  She was very animated and didn’t seem the least bit tired so getting her to nap was a bit harder today. It was almost like she didn’t want to miss anything.  Funny what a little sun and extra attention can do. 

Piper was able to spend the majority of her day outdoors.  She went on a nice walk, ate and played with Grandma all while enjoying the nice  fresh air.  (Grandma can’t complain about the terrific weather either)

It’s been so great having Grandma here to lend a helping hand and we appreciate all her help!

Lunch date           

Piper was a very busy bee today.  She went out to lunch and experienced her first sushi meal.  The restaurant was so busy that she didn’t even realize she had missed her nap.  She loved the entertainment and attention.  Then after lunch we all went over to a yummy bakery for dessert – Portos.  Piper loved studying the window of all the delicious desserts. 

Since it was so nice she was able to eat all her meals outside and even play a bit in evening.  It’s amazing what the fresh air does!

Piper and her Granny Nanny

Today, Grandma took care of Piper while mommy went to work.  They had such a wonderful day together.  Piper had plenty of smiles and giggles for Grandma.  And Grandma loved having her all to herself for the day.  They were very busy bees too – they played together, went on a nice walk and sang lots of fun songs.  Piper was just a little angel for Grandma and she can’t wait to have her all to herself again on Thursday! 

doing some yoga moves