Bye-bye Grandma

We can’t believe we have to say goodbye to Grandma already.  The days went by so fast! 

Grandma, thank you for all your help and hard work.  It was great having so much time together, Piper enjoyed every minute with you.  We hope to see you soon.

The Hollywood Bowl

22 Month Update

Piper is now 22 months old!  We can’t believe in another two months she will be turning 2!  She is just so busy and is doing so much.  Here is a list of things she has been doing  the last few months to current.

Vocabulary:  Piper has a huge vocabulary now.  She knows so many words and knows when to use them.  She uses her words to say sentences.  (3-4 words). 

Counting, ABCs and Colors:  She is able to say her  ABCs thanks to Grandma and knows her colors thanks to Grandpa.  Also can count to ten and recognizes numbers as well as shapes.

Songs:  She sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Itsy Bitsy Spider and Wheels on the Bus all by herself including hand motions.  Also, she does Ring Around the Rosy all by herself

Favorite Sayings:  “Look at that”, “I love you more”, “again”,  says excuse me, please and thank you, and blesses someone when they sneeze.

Favorite things to do:  Piper loves to bounce on mommy and daddy’s bed.  She has the best time doing this and squeals with delight.  Water is still a favorite and she loves splashing.  Also enjoys going to the park to play on the slide.

Favorite things:  She loves tunnels, buses, fire trucks, helicopters and very cold things to eat like popsicles and frozen yogurt sticks.  Piper is still into clocks.  Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Deelo who bought her a watch.

Bedtime:  Piper now tells us when she is ready to go to sleep for naps and nighty night time.  What a treat that is!  She has been down to one 2 hour nap for awhile now.

Piper loves it when someone will play with her.  She will take us by the hand and lead us where she wants us to go.  Or she will tell us to sit down with her. 

Sad Goodbye

Piper was very sad to see her Grandpa go yesterday.  During his stay she attached herself to him and wouldn’t let him out of her sight.  He practically took the place of “mommy”.  She has asked for him numerous times since he’s left and even woke up this morning asking for “Grandpa”.   He is such a special part of her life. 

Grandpa, we can’t thank you enough for all your help on the move and taking such great care of Piper during your stay.  She is so lucky to have you.  We hope to see you very soon!

trying to pack myself in Grandpa’s bag

filling up our bird bath

showing Grandpa around

Soaking it up

It’s been so hot out here we headed over to the fountains at the Paseo Mall.  Piper had so much fun chasing the water around.  Then we came home and she splashed more in her ladybugga sprinkler.  What fun for everyone!

Home Sweet Home

On Saturday we officially moved into our new home.  Even though we had record breaking heat the move went smoothly.  We are feeling pretty settled and are loving our new space!!  Piper has done so well throughout the packing, moving and settling in.  She says “good-bye new house” every time we leave.  So far she’s been sleeping really well too.

We want to thank Grandma & Grandpa, Aunt Becca and our babysitter Jeanette.  Without all of you we couldn’t have done this.  You made the move and unpacking go so smoothly.  Thank you again for all your help!!  We are so lucky to have such great family and friends!

Taking Grandpa for a walk in our neighborhood

Our new backyard

Come on in

another view from the front