Nighttime Routine

Most every night the kids take a bubble bath together.  They have the best time in there splashing away.  Lately they have started laying down and swimming a bit.  After the bath Piper reads Andrew some stories before bed.  He climbs up in the chair with her while she goes through his favorite books.  It is so precious to observe.  They just started doing that on their own. 

The weekend

We had a very fun weekend.  On Saturday we visited the Huntington Gardens.  The kids saw a turtle and lots of ducks.  Andrew loves ducks so he was really happy.  Then on Sunday we took a train adventure into Old Town.  Our first stop was walking around City Hall.  Then we hit the park before a little shopping and lunch.

International Day

Piper’s school celebrated an International Day today.  The event started with the kids singing in the church.  The pre-K class opened with a song using rhythm sticks.  Then they sang Twinkle Twinkle and Itsy Bitsy in Spanish and Japanese along with other songs.  After the singing everyone enjoyed a fruit salad the children helped prepare along with finger foods. Piper wore her dress her Aunt Becca got her from Prague.