3 Month and 3 Year Doctor’s Visits

At 3 months Andrew weighs 13lbs, 80z and is 25 1/4 inches.  This puts him in the 50% for weight and 90% for height.  The doctor thought he looked great.

Piper weighed 29lbs and is 37 3/4 inches tall.  Both kids had to get 2 shots a piece.  Piper was very protective of Andrew getting his pinchies.  She loves him so much.

Celebrating at Disneyland

We took Piper to Disneyland to celebrate her 3rd birthday and she had a blast.  The park wasn’t that crowded so we were able to ride alot of rides.  It was pretty hot though.  Piper’s favorite rides were the merry-go-round, Tea Cups and It’s a Small World.  Her favorite part of the day was meeting Winnie the Pooh and Tigger.  She was so excited and wanted to stay and hang out with them.

Andrew also had fun but he didn’t like any of the rides we took him on.  He was just happy hanging out looking around in the stroller. 

Piper was also thrilled to see Mickey and Minnie.  She just wanted to talk to them and not have her picture taken.  Right before these photos she was telling them all about the Merry-Go-Round.  It was pretty cute.

The park was already decorated for Halloween

Since there weren’t any lines Piper was able to ride the TeaCups over and over…

kicking back and people watching

Piper got to play a drum during the Celebrate Parade

Piper’s Party

We had a Minnie and Mickey themed party for Piper this year. 

there was a bouncy house (Piper’s favorite)

there was pizza to eat

plus plenty of toys to keep everyone busy

and presents to open

we couldn’t forget  the yummy birthday cake

Andrewbear (Piper’s nickname for her brother)

Happy 3rd Birthday, Piper!!

Piper had a great day.  She spent the morning playing at the park with her friend Jackson.  They also got ice-cream together.  This evening we went out to eat dinner, opened presents and had a little cake.  It was a very fun day!

playing pretend birthday party

a pretend camera so she can take pictures like mommy and daddy

Wow! a new bike just like Grandpa’s. 

Thank you Grandma & Grandpa!!!