A BIG day for Piper

Piper had many firsts today.  We started the day off going on a walk to Grandma and Grandpa’s apartment.  It was a gorgeous sunny day!  She did so well and slept the entire way over.

Then we changed into our Steelers attire for the game (it was a bit too large but she’s growing into it).  We then watched a difficult 60 minutes of football taking comfort in knowing there’s probably no way to go but up from what was witnessed today.

Then after a day of sleeping on Grandpa she had her first bath.  This made for a very unhappy baby.  We hurried as fast as we could washing her up.  Hair gel might be required for the next bath.  She then snuggled in with Grandma to warm up and discuss the abuses she witnessed only moments before.  We think Grandma and Piper are getting along just fine.

Visit from Auntie Becca

After scrubbing up, Rebecca and Piper spend a little quality time together.  Today was a little gloomy outside but nothing but sunshine and smiles inside.  Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad and Aunt Becca all had their time with Piper.  Taking breaks only for meals (Piper included) to come back for quality time.

Piper’s doctor appointment today went well, she put on 2oz since yesterday and is just about at 95% of her birth weight.  The doctor is happy with progress so far and wants us to make sure it continues. Basically, just have to feed her more so she puts the weight back on.

We’ve also rearranged the Photo Albums and added a new ‘Piper Albums’ section to the site .  So we started with Week 1 which has some extra shots in there that we didn’t put on the Blog pages.  Have fun and thank you all for the great comments!

Grandma & Grandpa Snitger meet Piper

Grandma & Grandpa Snitger wasted no time in making the trip to California to meet their grand daughter.  Ed & Jeannie spent the day taking care of Piper (and here we thought they wouldn’t want anything to do with her) and really helping out around the house with cooking and picking up.  It’s been a tremendous help to have a few extra hands, thank you both.  On top of scrambling to get out here as quickly as possible, they brought a beautiful gift from the Kretchmar family, Piper’s first birthday cake.  Thank you so much!

Piper also had her first doctor’s office visit today.  The pediatrician is fantastic and is happy with her progress so far.  A few more check-ups from the doctor and she should be all set.  Tonight begins our second night with her home, hopefully a few more winks of sleep.  Seems we gain a little ground each night as she develops her routine.

Home from the hospital

As scheduled, Jen and Piper were released today from the hospital.  Home now and doing great.  Playing alot of catchup at the moment in keeping Piper content while finishing the baby preparations.  Since she came 3 weeks early we’re just having to make the most of every moment.  Here is a photo of Jen, Piper and Dr. Jick from this morning before going home:

Thanks to everyone for such wonderful comments and support.  We’ll be adding more photos, just have to be brief at the moment.  Take Care!

1st Night with our little girl

First off, the stats:

                        Piper Grace Deelo


                                19.5in long

    born at 5:05pm (yesterday) September 24th, 2007

After a fantastic delivery and great 1st night with Piper Grace, I’m now home going through the ‘To Do’ list Jen had created for her 3 weeks off before the baby.  We were able to do what’s called ‘rooming in’ with her where she stays with us the entire time without going to the nursery.  So far it’s be amazing, she got up to eat twice last night with a few quick diaper changes then right back to sleep.  Wow, the fantastic noises babies make they sleep!  It was really hard for us to sleep, we kept getting up and staring.  The hospital staff is absolutely amazing and have been the shining star in this whole experience. They even gave us a double room and let me stay in the extra bed.

Jen had her IV removed last night around 3am, ending that which she called “the worst part of the labor!” (she doesn’t care for needles). She’s now fully mobile without things attached. Not feeling 100% yet but doing extremely well. Here’s a photo of the room just after breakfast, Jen’s writing up my list of Honey Do’s: