34 Weeks

I am in the middle of my 34th week (it’s just amazing how fast time is going now).  We had a busy and informative week full of baby classes for which the instructors were top notch.  A bit overwhelming at times, but we did learn a lot and still have 3 more lamaze classes to go.  Part of the class is a tour of the Labor & Delivery ward which we are anxious to see.

I had a great check up at the doctors last Friday.  The baby’s heartbeat was strong which is always a relief to hear.  The doctor said everything else looked normal and my next appointment is on September 24th.

We survived one of the hottest weeks we can remember in the time we’ve been in CA.  The weather is now finally back to normal and I hope it stays this way.  Although I haven’t had many reasons to complain this summer since it’s been relatively mild.

I have a busy few weeks left at work to get everything organized before I start my leave on September 24th.  It will be nice to have a few weeks off before the baby.  I’m looking forward to taking naps because sleeping isn’t what it used to be and it will also give me time to get few things done.