A BIG day for Piper

Piper had many firsts today.  We started the day off going on a walk to Grandma and Grandpa’s apartment.  It was a gorgeous sunny day!  She did so well and slept the entire way over.

Then we changed into our Steelers attire for the game (it was a bit too large but she’s growing into it).  We then watched a difficult 60 minutes of football taking comfort in knowing there’s probably no way to go but up from what was witnessed today.

Then after a day of sleeping on Grandpa she had her first bath.  This made for a very unhappy baby.  We hurried as fast as we could washing her up.  Hair gel might be required for the next bath.  She then snuggled in with Grandma to warm up and discuss the abuses she witnessed only moments before.  We think Grandma and Piper are getting along just fine.