
Our weather has been just beautiful!
Andrew has been learning how to cook chicken this week. Tonight he learned how to F.E.B. (flour, egg and breadcrumbs) the chicken to make chicken nuggets. Daddy helped with the frying. They turned out delicious!


Andrew got out his Legos tonight including a cool Lego robot that he built awhile ago. He can program it using an ap on his iPad to move around. It was a lot of fun to watch.

Sunsets and More

We went to the beach almost every night to watch the sunset
One evening we took a picnic dinner
We had a lovely dinner out at the Old Florida Fish House
A sunset swim

Snuggle time with Gracie

Fun in the Sun!

We made it to the beach everyday. The kids loved playing in the gorgeous water!
Love the white sand and the clear water!
Lunch at Seaside

Playing in the sand

our problems just floating away
The kids could go way out because it was so shallow
This view!
