Playdates with Friends

Throughout the week Piper has been out visiting more parks.  On a couple occasions she invited some of her friends along.  We met Ben at Lacy Park where the kids found a cool car to play with.  Then we met Talulah and family at the Huntington Gardens.  This is probably Piper’s favorite park because they have so many fountains and ponds.  She is such a waterbug! 

Getting wet in the misters

the entrance to the children’s garden

playing in the dirt

washing up – my favorite!

Nice wheels, Ben!!

watching the water fountain

Hanging with Talulah and sharing a snack

Trip to the Huntington Gardens

Today, Piper and mommy visited the Huntington Gardens.  It was a great adventure.  Piper could take her time and run freely.  There were plenty of fish, ducks and wide open spaces to keep her busy.  The highlight of her trip was a visit to the children’s gardens.  They have a bunch of fountains that are the perfect size for toddlers.  Thank goodness mommy brought another jacket.

I see some fish…

must get closer


These fountains are the best!  Can’t get enough!

admiring the view in the chinese gardens

a very entertaining duck

Playing in the Park

One of our goals this year is to explore more of Pasadena.  We decided to try a new park today.  (Fact: Pasadena has 22 parks.)  Piper loved it!  There was wide open space so she could run around and humongous leaves to play with.  We had to drag her away from all the fun when it was time to go. 

16 Months

Piper is turning into such a little girl right before our eyes.  There is so much she can do and say now.  We will try to do an update on this latest stage very soon.  If only there were a few more hours in the day…