Birthday Tea Party

Piper and Andrew had a little birthday tea for me this afternoon.  Piper is just the sweetest. She really gets into birthdays no matter who is celebrating.IMG_5790IMG_5794IMG_5796IMG_5801IMG_5788 This is the cake that Piper and Daddy made. Delicious!IMG_5798Kitty was even at the tea

Saturday Tee Ball

It was a cool day for tee ball on one of the last days of Spring.  Summer arrives Monday.IMG_5770 IMG_5775 IMG_5779 IMG_5782 IMG_5784Going to savor this photo with the forecast of 90 degrees this week

More Fun with Shannon

A few photos from Sunday with the kids.  They had so much fun playing cards with Shannon and singing crazy songs.  It’s very quiet here now that she left… IMG_5738IMG_5735 IMG_5737 IMG_5740Random photo with Bear