Egg Bowl at the Rose Bowl

DSC_0202This morning we went to the Bunny Brunch at the Rose Bowl.  We ate in the new stadium club lounge that over looked the field.  It was a real treat to be there.  The Easter Bunny made the rounds and we were able to walk around outside. There was even a story time for the children.  All this led up to the huge egg hunt down on the field.  Andrew participated in it while Piper went to golf.  IMG_5502 Greeting the BunnyIMG_5507 DSC_0185 Checking out the viewIMG_5509 Setting up for the egg huntDSC_0193 DSC_0189 DSC_0191 DSC_0195 Enjoying the seatsIMG_5513 Story time with the local librarian IMG_4270Look at all those eggs to gatherIMG_4280 IMG_4273Crowded!