A Rainy Day

Piper headed out for an evening walk but caught in the rain.  They made it about 5 blocks before having to duck for cover. Luckily they were right in front of the Bechdel’s when the storm started.  So Piper had unexpected playtime with her cousin Eli.  They did some swinging while watching the rain come down.  Then went inside to play with Eli’s toys trains which was alot of fun.

Other events of the day included a lovely outing with Grandma and mommy as they ran errands in between storms.  It was nice to be out and see some new sights, even with the added “color” of the day’s weather.  Also worth noting, Piper discovered saying “na-na” which was promptly repeated over and over again.  Something tells us we may hear this again tomorrow! 

Having a Ball

Piper had another great nights sleep in mommy’s old bed.  This morning she took a trip over to Grandpa and Grandma Deelo’s house where they all played until it was time to head home for a nap.  The rest of the day Piper stayed inside because of the rain.  There pool full of colored balls for her to play in that kept her busy for a long time.  It was a huge hit!  She moved her legs like she was splashing just like like bathtime.  This evening Piper took a nice walk around the neighborhood with mommy and Grandpa after the rain stopped.  Then it was off to beddy by.

Gettin’ Comfy

After a restful night sleep Piper started her day off with a visit from Great Aunt Bernie, Aunt Barbie and cousin Dan.  Then she took a very long nap to catch up on her sleep.  After she woke she seemed more herself.  For dinner, Piper tried chicken for the first time and loved it.  It was a mix of chicken and broccoli that she gobbled all up. 

This evening Piper had a nice visit from Grandpa and Grandpa Deelo.  Grandpa played with Piper and read her a story.  Then, Piper showed off her some of her tricks so they could see how big she’s getting.

Moovin’ & Shakin’

It would seem the red-eye flight would slow things down on arrival in Pittsburgh, but not so much for Piper Grace!  The entire flight she rested up and was greeted by a slew of family and events when she awoke in the morning.  It all started with Grandpa who met mommy and Piper at the gate.  Then Great Uncle Chuck and Aunt Joyce stopped by brining a special gift, her first sippy cup.  Following that was Aunt Susie.  Then Grandpa and mommy took Piper on a big walk around town where she got to see the Beaver Festival with all the main attractions that included gyros and funnel cakes.  She caught a little nap then off to dinner with the Bechdels where Piper got to see her cousin Eli.

After dinner, she made her way over to 4th street to visit the Ross side of daddy’s family. This is where she got to meet Great Aunt Bernie for the 1st time!!  She also did a bit of mingling with Great Aunt Barbie, Uncle Frank,  Aunt Becky, Cousin Ross, Cousin Bridget and the rest of the family before heading back to Grandma & Grandpa’s for bath and bedtime.  Needless to say, it was quite a busy 1st day!

Leaving on a jet plane…

Piper and mommy are so excited about their trip.  They will miss daddy alot but are looking forward to seeing so many friends and family.  Hopefully, the flight will go smoothly.  Mommy’s a bit nervous traveling by herself so hope all goes well! 

See everyone very soon!

Piper sleeping on mommy’s lap on the airplane