Active day

Piper and Grandma had a wonderful day together and kept busy reading and playing.  Plus, they were able to get out on a walk before mommy and daddy got home. 

Piper did alot of talking today.  She would look directly at us and tell big stories.  They all seemed to be happy tales and we enjoyed hearing them all.  She didn’t feel much like napping today so we’re not sure if she’s changing up the routine or maybe she was afraid she would miss something after so much fun.  Since we’ve been “on the go” so much lately, she hasn’t been napping at her usual times.  She still likes kicking around in her crib but it turned out to be all play and no sleep.  It will be interesting to see if this trend continues.  We’ve been warned that as soon as you think you have a schedule down they go and change it on you…. She’s trained us well from the start!