At Home

We are settling in at home as our family of four.  Piper has made a great transition.  Aunt Becca was here with her Saturday and Sunday.  Then the babysitter kept her busy Monday making cookies for mommy and a welcome home sign.  Finally Grandma arrived on Tuesday to take care of everyone.  She’s been very busy being entertained and loves being a big sister. 

Andrew has settled in nicely too.  We went for his first checkup today with the doctor.  He weighed 7lbs 2oz and is almost back to his birth weight.  The doctor thought he looked great! 

We are all a little sleep deprived but are enjoying every moment together.

all dressed and waiting to go home

Grandma enjoying her precious grandson

Introducing Andrew James

Andrew James decided to make a grand entrance without much warning on Saturday.  Jen woke up feeling fine then started experiencing some pressure during the late morning hours.  She couldn’t believe it was the baby coming already so blew them off until Dave said we need to get to the hospital.  By the time we had arrived she was well underway.  The nurses said we were lucky we left when we did or could have been delivering the baby at home.  Drew arrived less than 40 minutes after arriving at the hospital.  He is doing wonderful!

38 Weeks and Counting…

I don’t have much news to report from my doctors visit today.  It looks like this little guy is hanging in there for awhile.  The doctor thinks he is about medium size right now but just not ready to come out.  Hopefully it won’t be too much longer.  I have another appointment next Tuesday to see if any progress has been made.  We will keep you all posted.