Piper’s Party

We had a birthday party for Piper and all her friends.  Luckily we missed the 100 degree heat by a day!  We had a bouncy house and a craft table set up.  After dinner the kids tried breaking open a pinata.  It took several rounds of hitting it but Piper was the one who finally opened it.  Then the kids sang happy birthday.We had a banner made for this special occasion that captured all of her birthdays.A serious expressionPiper and Ameliawith Chloe at the craft table.  Everyone painted and decorated a frame to take homePiñata Time!

Singing Happy BirthdayWith her good friend MikePresent time!with DeclanYummy cupcakes!

Happy 5th Birthday Piper!!!

Piper had a great day celebrating her birthday.  The kids sang to her at school.  She opened many presents and cards from our wonderful family and friends.  Grandma and Grandpa S. called to wish her a happy day and we also chatted over the computer.  Three of our great neighbors stopped by to sing happy birthday as we were playing out front.  Then we went out to celebrate at our favorite restaurant – LGO.  After that we had chocolate cake and opened more presents.  Piper also got to talk to her Aunt Becca.  It was a very big day!

Weekend Fun

We had another busy weekend!  It was filled with getting ready for Piper’s birthday party next weekend and going to the LA County Fair.  On Sunday we went out to our greasy spoon for breakfast then headed out to the Fair.  It was HUGE!  Lots of rides and tons of foods.  The highlight was Piper winning a goldfish who she is calling Angel.Andrew ADORES our KittyAll dolled up with her new Vera Bradley Bag (she received for her birthday).  Looking like such a grown up girl!

Andy’s, our greasy spoon for breakfastPiper’s prize fish – Angel