Swimming at the Beaver Pool

Piper, Grandpa and mommy spent a few days at the Beaver pool before it closed for the summer.  It was great because Piper could touch.  She loved bouncing around in the water and swimming out to the island.  We even saw Aunt Barbie, cousin Caroline and Ross!

Summer Vacation

We had a blast on our summer vacation.  The trip started with a week and a half in Beaver.  Mommy, Piper and Andrew flew to Pittsburgh connecting through Phoenix.  The kids did great on the 2 flights.  Mommy was happy Andrew did ok since he is so busy!

There was so much to do and see in Beaver.  We spent time with our family, swam at the Beaver pool, played with Payton and Avery, walked to the park and made a few trips to get ice cream.  Piper even got to ride in Grandpa’s convertible. It was sad to see it go so fast.  Piper slept in a big cozy bed this time and Andrew slept in the crib.  They both did really well in their new environment. 

Then we were off to Stone Harbor for a week.  We stopped to see Aunt Bernie, Uncle Fred, Cousin Danny and Aunt Dottie for a wonderful lunch on our journey through the state.  Everyone did well on the long drive.  We spent the night in Atlantic City to avoid the holiday traffic the next day.  Daddy met us in Stone Harbor on Saturday.  We had a great week of weather.  The kids loved the beach and the water.  It was fun to see how brave Piper was this year.  She had a great time jumping the waves.  Andrew would also charge into the water without fear. 

Photos coming soon….

Piper and George

We’ve been cat sitting for our neighbors’s cat George.  Piper loves feeding and taking care of him.  She carries his food over and waits to make sure he’s eating before we can leave.  She loves snuggling with him too. 

Swimming Lessons – Part 4

Today was the last swimming lesson for the season.  This time Andrew and mommy had fun in the water together.  Piper couldn’t wait to get in the pool and try out her new goggles. 

looking for the alligator