Mosaic Chalk Art

A big trend around the neighborhood is creating mosaic chalk art. You place tape down in a pattern then color it in with chalk to create the art. It’s fun to see everyone’s creations around town.

Keeping Busy

We have been keeping busy these last two week. Here are just a few of the things we have been up to. Also, the kids picked up their school supplies this week and will start online learning next week. That will be nice to back into a routine with school work.

Had our last ice cream before the shelter in place.
Baking lemon bars
Doing crafts outside
Working on a puzzle
with a friend…
Lunch Doddles with Mo Willems!
Driving around the Buffalo Reserve

Keeping it Crafty!

Piper found a fun craft for the whole family to do by making critters out of felt. It’s a nice way to keep our minds busy during this time. She taught Andrew how to sew for this craft project and he loved learning! This is a new skill for him.

Piper is sewing together a quilt
Making a dinosaur
Here are some of the cuties we have made this past week

Snow Day!

The kids played outside in the snow today. They made a fort and had a pretend snow cone shop.

The beginning of the fort
the entrance