Teeny tiny toes

Piper has discovered her toes!  Turns out she loves eating one foot as we try to change her diaper making it quite the challenge.  She’s also getting much stronger at sitting up straight and can support herself for longer periods of time.  The raspberries were back today!   Even Grandma Snitger got to see her do them (over the video chat) which brought lots of laughs.

Wistaria Festival

We headed over to the Wistaria Festival this afternoon after some morning rain showers.  Piper loved going somewhere new and enjoyed the walk.  She got pretty tuckered with all the sites and passed out halfway through the festival.

Piper has become very curious anytime we eat or drink anything.  Today daddy let her try some water out of his cup and she was so excited. She slurped it up but as soon as she tasted the water (which didn’t taste much like milk) it came back out then she made a yucky face.  In time she’ll get the hang of it.

A Fun Saturday       

Today turned out to be a pretty gloomy day but we made the best of it.  Daddy got to partake in Piper’s love for green beans.  He couldn’t believe how she gobbled them up.  Then Piper practiced sitting up on her own.  She is getting stronger and stronger every day.  After some short naps she hung out in her excersaucer and had play time on the floor.  By the time it was bath time she was pretty tired.

We can’t wait to do it all again tomorrow!

More green beans peez

Piper had her first taste of green beans today as we start adding veggies to her diet.  She absolutely loved them as you can see from the photos.  The bowl was empty in the picture above but she grabbed it and tried to eat more.  We’re so glad she liked them and hope she continues with her great appetite.

The rest of the day with filled with running errands, a big walk and playtime.  Piper was in a super mood and had lots of smiles and laughs to share with us. 

A normal Thursday       

Piper was back to her normal routine today and got to hang out with Kate while mommy was at work.  They did many activities together which kept them busy.  Piper was all smiles for mommy when she returned home and greeted her with a big hug.  It’s been awhile since they have been apart all day long.

Grandpa made it back safely and it’s pretty quiet around here now.

The raspberries are so last week and her new noise is a fake cough.  Piper started doing this a few days ago and thinks she is so funny when she makes this sound.  If you mimic her she gets all excited and coughs right back at you.  It’s so cute.