Our tired little baby

The effects of the shots seemed to kick into day and made Piper very sleepy.  She slept alot and as a result we didn’t have much opportunity to take her picture.  Enjoy a few from tonight of our tired little baby.

5 Month Check Up

Today, Piper went to the doctors for her 5 month check-up (can you believe 5 months already?!)  She now weighs 14# 7oz and is 25 inches long.  That makes her in the 50% for her age.  The doctor thought she looked good was very happy with the progress.  She unfortunately had to have 2 more shots but was such a trooper.  Next up we get to add  solid foods into her diet which should be a fun adventure.  She’ll start off slowly with the rice cereal and oatmeal but then in a few weeks start veggies and fruit!

We were thinking how much she’s grown up even in the last month.  She now is taking a bottle, a pacifier and seems to be on a regular routine with everything.  Piper does really well with Kate and has started to grow into herself.  We are so blessed to have such a great girl!

Pretty in Pink

Wow, today Piper was all about pink!  Dancing up a storm and groovin’ like there’s no tomorrow then she went all around the neighborhood for fresh air,  lots of sunshine, and wonderful warm weather.  So far talking and wiggling around have been the highlights of her day.  Plenty more to follow, we’re very sure of that!

Touching my toes   

Here are a few photos of Piper’s floor routine.  She loves touching her toes and kicking up her legs while laying on her back.  Each time she does this she slowly rotates her body around until she’s done a 180.  It’s funny to watch.  One minute she facing you the next she’s turned all around. 

22 Weeks

The sun finally returned here and blew away all the dark clouds.  Resulting in a sunny warm day so Piper and mommy were able to get out for a walk.  Piper was very excited and enjoyed the much needed fresh air while strolling around the neighborhood.