5 Month Check Up

Today, Piper went to the doctors for her 5 month check-up (can you believe 5 months already?!)  She now weighs 14# 7oz and is 25 inches long.  That makes her in the 50% for her age.  The doctor thought she looked good was very happy with the progress.  She unfortunately had to have 2 more shots but was such a trooper.  Next up we get to add  solid foods into her diet which should be a fun adventure.  She’ll start off slowly with the rice cereal and oatmeal but then in a few weeks start veggies and fruit!

We were thinking how much she’s grown up even in the last month.  She now is taking a bottle, a pacifier and seems to be on a regular routine with everything.  Piper does really well with Kate and has started to grow into herself.  We are so blessed to have such a great girl!