A little adjustment and a long day

Piper had a pleasant day today which started off at 5:00 am when she managed to turn herself sideways in her crib.  She would have been ok but she kept knocking her noggin off the side. Daddy got up to gently ‘adjust’ her position and Piper decided it was time to get up!  So with mommy’s help, she went back to sleep for a little bit longer.

The rest of the day went well.  She had a visit from Kate who will be watching her while mommy is at work.  Kate had the touch and Piper really warmed up to her.  We only hope that continues!!  She fed her then they had some silly time together. Then, mommy took Piper for a little retail therapy to round out the day.  By the time it was all said and done, daddy was home again and getting Piper ready for bath time.  Now it’s off to sleep and to start it all up again in the morning.  Let’s hope it’s a little later in the morning!